Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Turning the Page

It's a new day.

In a new month.

A fresh page on the calendar.

As you turned the calendar page this morning, did you stop to think about what a gift this is?

A new day.  In a new month.  A fresh start.  A gift.

For the past fifteen years (or perhaps longer), this plaque has had a place in our home.

The verse begins God has given me another day.

And it goes on to list some of the gifts that are a part of this new day:

-to hear the wonders He has spoken
-to see the beauty of His face
-to enjoy the pleasure of His company
-to walk the pathways of His grace
-to know the delight of His promises
-to fulfill the desires of His heart
-to discover the treasures of His love"

And the last line sums it all up:  What a day this will be!

As we turn the page on a the calendar and begin a new month, that's my prayer for you.
That you will realize what a gift this new month is.  That you will walk the pathways of God's grace this month and delight in His promises.  That you will discover the treasures of His love.

A new month is a gift.  A new day is a gift.

May we all accept this gift of God's grace and use it for His glory!

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
(Psalm 90:12 NASB)

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