Friday, October 18, 2013

In All I Do. Really?

Amazing love how can it be?
That you, my king, would die for me
Amazing love, I know it's true.
Its my joy to honor you.
In all I do
I honor you.
(from You Are My King by Chris Tomlin)

Have you sung that song in church lately? Or have you sung along with the radio as you're driving down the highway? And if not this particular song, perhaps one with a similar lyric.
This morning I've been thinking about this song and others like it. It occurs to me that there's a sense in which songs like this one encourage us to stand and blatantly lie in our times of worship.
You may be thinking that I have just made a very extreme statement. But think about it. Do I.....honor our King in all we do?
"All we do" covers a lot of territory! Do we always honor God in every single Facebook post or every Twitter tweet? Or in everything we choose to share - or not share - on social media?
What about what we choose to watch on TV? The movies we see? The books we read?
What about how we relate to our neighbors? Or our co-workers? Or the mailman or the clerk in the store or the server at the restaurant?
What about how we relate to our family members?
Or the way we take care of our homes? Or our yards? Or our cars? Or any of the other things we've been blessed to have?
What about how we handle our money? Or how we handle the lack of money?
What about how we spend our leisure time?
What about how we relate to those who disagree with us? To those who are "different" than we are?
What about at the ballot box?

What about when we don't get what we want?  Or when we get what we don't want? 

What about when God doesn't answer our prayers they way we expect Him to?  Or when the answer is "no" or "not now"?

What about when we're frustrated or discouraged?
Are we really honoring God in all we do? Or is it just a nice song?
Something to think about.

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