Friday, June 4, 2010

Finishing Out the Week

Let's finish out the week by looking back over what we've learned this week, considering one new concept, and then looking forward to what lies ahead for next week.  We're approaching the end of this journey through Psalm 119.  It has been such a blessing to spend time in the Psalm, to dig deep into the Scriptures and have God speak to my heart through them, to pray for all of you out there who are joining me on this journey.  I almost don't want it to end.....but at the same time I find myself looking forward to the next journey we will take together!!  More about that later!

We have spent time this week in the tsadhe stanza - the "righteousness stanza".  We have considered what righteousness is and how it relates to us.  In a previous stanza we had seen the psalmist grieve over those who did not follow God's commandments.  In tsadhe we have also seen the psalmist refer to the "foreverness" of God's Word.  As we move forward next week, we'll continue to see that theme.  But today, as we wind up our time in this stanza, let's look specifically at verse 139:  "My zeal hs consumed me, because my adversaries have forgotten Your words." 

Start by comparing this verse to the previous stanza (pe), looking particularly at verse 136.  Then consider the following questions:
  • How do these verses compare as the psalmist considers adversaries who have forgotten God's Word?
  • What is zeal?  (Maybe you want to check your dictionary for the definition!)
  • Does zeal for God and His Word ever consume you?
  • Are all zealous behaviors pleasing to God?  Explain your answer.  Be specific.
  • Can you think of other examples in Scripture of people who displayed godly zeal?  Dig a little deeper into the Scripture and see what you can find out.
  • How are you going to apply what you have learned today?
As we finish out our time together this week, take some time to quietly consider all you have learned.  Reflect on the words of this Psalm and ask God to show you how to apply the message of this Psalm to your life.  We live in challenging times.  How do we face these uncertain days except by arming ourselves with "the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God."?

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