It's been a little more than a year since I launched this journey into the blogosphere and titled it my "Sitting Room" as a tribute of sorts to the amount of time I had spent "sitting" while recovering from a broken ankle. I started with the grand goal of sitting and listening for what God would have to say to me in the days and weeks of the new year. What evolved over time has been a journal of sorts of what God has taught me through the every day circumstances of my life, what He has said to me through His Word, as well as a place to "vent" when life was less than I would like it to be or a place to note observations about life. One thing that as remained constant is that I am sitting. Now that I am in recovery from ankle surgery (yes, same ankle!), I find myself once again sitting. And as I sit, I continue to listen for what God might have to say to me. What lessons do I need to learn? What insights will I glean as I spend time in His Word?
I truly believe that there is purpose in all things and that God has a plan for me even in this time of inactivity. The fact that I am not particularly mobile at the moment only gives me greater opportunity to listen closely and hear what He has to say, to be in preparation for whatever there is for me to do once I am mobile again. So my hope is that I will be a good listener, that I will use the time wisely, that the words of the Psalmist might be mine as well......"So teach us to number our days that we may present to Thee a heart of wisdom."
And as I begin this new decade, the words of Oswald Chambers (in My Utmost for His Highest) are my words as well........"My determined purpose is to be my utmost for His highest, my best for His glory. To reach that level of determination is a matter of the will....of absolute and irrevocable surrender. I am determined to be absolutely and entirely for Him and Him alone."
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