Monday, March 7, 2016


Monday mornings are usually pretty busy around here.  Monday means laundry.  And putting out the garbage for pickup.  And decluttering.

Somehow, no matter how clean and tidy things are at the beginning of a weekend, by Monday morning, that's only a faint memory!  There's the accumulation of newspapers.  The afghans we used to cover ourselves for the brief Sunday afternoon nap.  Bits of this and that which somehow didn't make it back to their right places over the weekend.  Then there's stripping the linens off the bed, sorting the mountain of dirty clothes, and getting it all washed.  Busy, busy, busy!  That's how I usually spend my Mondays.

On the previous weekend, Al finally got his tools moved from storage to his new workshop in the back yard.  On Saturday he spent a lot of time organizing and settling in to his new space.  There's still much to be done, but the good news (at least from my perspective!) is that soon all the things in the garage that belong in the workshop will find their way to their new home, and then the clutter that has accumulated in the garage over these last months can be dealt with.

There's clutter everywhere, isn't there?  Clutter in our homes and our garages.  And our hearts and minds are bombarded with clutter on a daily basis by what we see and hear, by the incessant "chatter" of the world we live in.  Television, radio, social media, politicians, billboards along the road.  Our senses are overloaded!

Just as we need to deal with the clutter in our homes and in our cars and in our garages, so too do we need to deal with the clutter that fills our minds. If we are going to be all that God desires us to be in this life, we need to keep our hearts and minds free of anything that interferes with that goal.

That's why it's so important to have that daily quiet time alone with God.  To begin each day fresh and clean.  To get rid of the clutter.

Have you decluttered today?

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." 
(Psalm 51:10)

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