Wednesday, August 7, 2013

It's a Process

Just about a week ago we completed our kitchen countertop transformation.  Or did we?

Last Wednesday the clear top coat was applied and left to dry.  So the work was finished.  Or was it?

Not exactly!  Once the finish on the countertop was dry, the work continued.  The clean-up began.  And that has been quite a process!  As a result of sanding off the old countertops in preparation for the "transformation", everything - and I do mean everything!! - in this house is coated in a layer of sawdust.  And the closer to the kitchen, the more layers of sawdust there are.  Which means a lot of cleaning.  A lot!

I began that process on Monday.  And continued yesterday.  And will continue today.  And will continue after that until the work is done.  However long it takes.

Transformation is quite a process.  But the end result is worth it.  I'm already so happy with how the kitchen looks.  Even though everything isn't back in place yet.  Even though I still don't have a kitchen sink.  It's worth all the effort.

Transformation in the spiritual sense is also a process.  Certainly once we have committed our lives to Christ, have "decided to follow Jesus", we are instantly part of the family of God.  But the transformation, in daily living, is a process.  It's that big theological word sanctification.  We are daily in process of becoming more and more like Christ.  We are daily being transformed.

Like my kitchen project, it takes time. We must be intentional about our transformation.  Intentional about prayer and Bible reading and Bible study and fellowship with other believers.  It's all part of the process.

Sometimes, as in the case of my kitchen, it's messy.  There's some cleaning up to do.  We may have habits and attitudes that need changing.  We may need to make different choices.  We may need to clean up some relationships.  It's all part of the process.

Transformation.  Sanctification.  Whatever term you use, it's a process.  And the end result is so worth it!

"And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another.  For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit."  (2 Corinthians 3:18 ESV)

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