Tuesday, August 27, 2013

And Here We Go Again......

Yesterday started out to be such a good day.

But then things took a wrong turn. Shortly before noon, Al and I were planning to go to a favorite restaurant in town and have lunch together before he headed out of town for a couple of days. He left first because he had a stop to make.

A few minutes later, I got in my car, put the key in, turned it, and nothing happened. Dead silence. No beep beep beep when I put the key in. No clicking sound. Nothing. Silence.

So, I had to call Al to come back home.

If you've been reading this blog for a while, you may recall that we had a similar scenario back in February. You can read about that here: http://susanssittingroom.blogspot.com/2013/02/a-dirty-refrigerator-greasy-stove-and.html and here: http://susanssittingroom.blogspot.com/2013/02/more-about-that-dead-battery.html.

After that fiasco, we had purchased a brand new battery. And ever since then we have been talking about buying a battery charger. A battery charger would be a handy thing to have for all the times, especially in winter, when the car just sits in the garage, or for the times the car doesn't get driven enough to keep the battery charged.

We had talked a lot about a battery charger. But we never had bought one. Until yesterday.

The lunch date turned into takeout that Al picked up when he went into town to buy a battery charger. His travel schedule was rearranged. We were both frustrated.

All because we didn't do what we had been intending to do all along. All because we talked a lot about buying a battery charger, but we never actually bought one. It wasn't because we didn't have the money to buy one. We did. But we just never got around to it.

I think there's a lesson here that is about a lot more than dead batteries and battery chargers.

It's about doing what you say you're going to do.

And that applies not just to battery chargers. It applies in all areas of life. Don't just talk about what you're going to do. Actually do it.

Whether it's buying a battery charger or losing weight or beginning a disciplined exercise regimen or being disciplined about Bible study or about Scripture memory or balancing your budget. Whatever. Just do it.

"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might." (Ecclesiastes 9:10 ESV)

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