Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Road Trip. Day 2.

Our road trip began yesterday with a very uneventful drive from Spartanburg to Atlanta.  As expected, there was heavy traffic around Greenville, and heavy traffic again as we entered the Atlanta metro area.

We arrived at corporate headquarters around noon, had lunch in the cafeteria there, and then I settled into a vacant cubicle to read while Al took care of details about the trip.  He met with some people, talked to people on the phone, gathered up more supplies.  Just a regular day in the office!

Today he's holding the first two training sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  Meanwhile, I'm hanging out here at the hotel, looking forward to a quiet day.  Last week was a hectic time of unpacking from our beach vacation and repacking for this road trip, so I'm very ready for some down time.

We need quiet days from time to time, don't we?  The world we live in is full of noise and chaos.  Full of busyness.  Full of do this and go there.

What our world doesn't have a lot of is quiet.  Our busyness doesn't allow for a lot of down time.  Our hectic lifestyles don't allow much time for rest. But rest is necessary.  For our bodies.  And for our minds and our souls.

Today I'm giving myself permission to rest.  Permission to have a slow, peaceful day with no agenda.  I will probably do some reading.  I may go for a walk or sit by the pool.  I'll probably drink some coffee. 

I'm looking forward to it.  Resting.  Relaxing.  Being still.

Here in the middle of summer, after the busyness of the last week, as we begin this road trip, I'm looking forward to, longing for, this time of quiet and stillness.  This time to "cease striving and know that I am God."  (Psalm 46:10 NASB)

One of the things that I have been praying concerning this lengthy time away from home is that I would make good choices.  About food.  About exercise.  Often those things get out of control when we travel.  I have also prayed to make good choices about how I spend my "alone time".  Today I'm choosing to be still.  To be quiet.  To rest.  To spend time with the Lord.  In His Word.  In prayer.

It's a good choice.

"Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him."  (Psalm 37:7a NASB)

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