Monday, September 7, 2009

A Word of Advice

Continuing the theme of the last post, I have a word of advice......people with degenerative arthritis (like me) should not break bones!! Even when all the doctors and nurses and surgeons and physical therapists have put you back together again, the consequences linger on. Even when your ankle (the broken part in my case) is in good shape (you think!), almost as flexible as the unbroken one (and mine was), one day you wake up to discover that it just isn't as flexible as it used to be and that it really seems to hurt all the time, not just when it rains or when you've overdone it just a bit. Hmmmmm........

That's when, like me, you decide that maybe you need to see a doctor about this so you make an appointment. And that's when you get the bad news. Something that sounds like this....."Your ankle is a mess.....That's one of the worst ankles I've ever seen.......I don't know how you walk at all." Hmmmmmmm.........

And then you hear the news that your only options are drugs (and in this case, they are really hard to get used to....the side effects have not been fun!) or an ankle fusion. Well, there could be an ankle replacement, but the doctor says that's not a good surgery.

All this brings to mind the words of the Apostle Paul to the careful how you walk! In terms of broken ankles, I realize that is completely out of context.....that he wasn't talking about ankles at all!! But it's very good advice......

"Be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:15-16)

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