Tuesday, July 12, 2016


I don't think I have ever been quite so happy to see Monday come around.

You see, Mondays are garbage pick-days for us.  And it had been a few weeks since our garbage had been collected.

Three Mondays ago, we put our garbage out as usual.  On Friday of that week, we collected all the garbage in the house and put it in the can in the garage.  Then on Saturday morning, we left for our beach vacation.

The following Monday was the 4th of July holiday, so no garbage pick-up on that day.  Normally, when there's a Monday holiday, garbage is picked up on Tuesday. But, while we were at the beach, our garbage company had left a note on our porch that, because of the holiday, garbage would be collected on Saturday, July 1.

That would have been fine if we had been at home to get that note or to put our garbage out on Saturday morning.  But, we didn't arrive home from our vacation until Saturday evening.  So, we still had garbage in the garage.

We had the whole family here for the weekend.  We enjoyed a little more together time.  We accumulated some more garbage.

This past Saturday, Al did some clean-up and organizing in the garage.  That meant more garbage to be thrown away. 

Our garbage can was overflowing.  Our recycling bin was overflowing.  And besides all that, because it has been so hot, all that garbage smelled really bad.  Really bad.  It was "stanky"!  (Yes, I know that isn't really a word!)

Monday morning came.  The garbage can, along with all the black garbage bags that wouldn't fit into it, were set out at the curb.  The recycling bin and the stacks of cardboard were put out.  The big truck came through the neighborhood, and the garbage was taken away.

I am a happy woman.  The garbage is gone!  And, incidentally, the garage now smells much better!

It's a good thing to get rid of all that garbage!

If only it were as easy to get rid of the garbage we carry around with us on a daily basis!

Garbage like fear.  And bitterness.  And worry.  And prejudice. And hate.  And anxiety.  And the list could go on.

If only we could put all our "stinkin' thinkin'" in a garbage bag and sit it out by the curb.

But, in a sense, we can.  We can take all our worries and our anxieties and our bitternesses and our prejudices, and lay them at the feet of Jesus!

He can handle it all.  And He wants to.  If we will only let Him!

"Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you."  (! Peter 5:7 KJV)

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