Monday, February 17, 2014

Safely Through Another Week

A hymn by that title was included in the old red Baptist Hymnal that was a part of my childhood.  It's one of those hymns that didn't "make the cut" as newer hymnals have been published.  We didn't sing that hymn frequently, but we sang it often enough that I still remember it.  And as we begin this new week, and as I look back on last week, it seems appropriate.

I thought I had one of those old hymnals on my shelf, but when I looked this morning it wasn't there.  I suppose it's packed away somewhere.  So many books and too few bookshelves.  But that's a subject for another day.

Since I couldn't put my hands on the hymnal, I did a quick google search to refresh my memory on the text of the hymn.  In doing that, I discovered that the text of the hymn was written by John Newton, he of "Amazing Grace" fame.

"Safely through another week
God has brought us on our way;
Let us now a blessing seek,
Waiting in His courts today:
Day of all the week the best,
Emblem of eternal rest."
That's definitely an appropriate text for me today!  Last week began pretty much like any other week.  We had just returned from our two weeks in Florida, so the amount of laundry last Monday was considerably more than normal.  But doing laundry is part of every Monday morning around here, so that wasn't really a big deal.
It snowed on Monday.  Not a lot, just a couple of inches.  Again, not really a big deal around here in winter.  Then came Tuesday, when we attempted to go down the mountain to town.  Big mistake.  That turned into a life-threatening trip!  But God was watching out for us and brought us safely back home.
Turns out that Monday's snow was just the appetizer.  The prelude to what was to come on Wednesday.  And Thursday.  And Friday.  And Saturday.
And then we thought it was all over.  But no.  It snowed again Saturday night and early Sunday morning.
Other than 14+ inches of snow, it was pretty much a normal week.  The usual household chores.  Some high points.  Some disappointments.  A little stress.  But no more than is typical of regular life in 21st century America.
Nearly going off the side of the mountain was the biggest stress of the week, I suppose.  But then there was the stress of being "trapped" at home because of all that snow. 
We weren't able to go to church yesterday morning because the road was still covered in ice and snow.  That was a big disappointment.  We did venture out yesterday afternoon, once the sun had come out and the melting began.  It was really good to get out of the house for a little while!  Thankfully we had no problems getting down the mountain this time!  Getting back up the road was a bit of a challenge.  But we made it.
As I look back on last week, I am thankful.  Thankful that God rescued us on Tuesday morning.  Thankful that through all the snow, we didn't lose power, that we were safe and warm, and had plenty of food - in spite of the fact that the only grocery shopping I've done in the last six weeks was grabbing a few essentials (milk, eggs, etc.) when we stopped at the grocery store on our return from Florida.
God watched over us last week.  He protected us.  He blessed us.  He brought us safely through the week.
I can't wait to see what He will do this week!
"Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name.  Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits."  (Psalm 103:1-2 ESV)

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