Friday, April 5, 2013


This has been an unusually busy week for me.  I'm not sure exactly why......I guess all those appointments somehow got scheduled into the same week and there are all those projects I have underway and all the regular day-to-day stuff and it all just ran together.  In any event, it just seems that I have had more to do than usual.

It's in these busier-than-normal times that it seems really easy for me to lose perspective.  To get bogged down by the trivial and forget about the important.  Perhaps it's partly to do with being more tired as a result of being more busy.  Or maybe it's just having my focus in the wrong place. Maybe it's that I am tired because I have my focus in the wrong place! Focusing on all the stuff to be done instead of on the One who will give me the strength and energy to do it. 

I confess that I have had one of those kinds of weeks.  Which has made it not such a good week. 

Bogged down by the stuff.  Focused on trivialities.  As a result, tired and irritable.  That's what happens when I lose perspective.  When my focus is in the wrong place.  When I end up just going through the motions.

Do you ever have days, or weeks, like that?  Or is it just me?

We had more of the never-ending winter yesterday.  That just added to my irritability!  And we're off to another gloomy gray start today. 

In spite of that, I'm choosing to have a different perspective today.  I choose to refocus my heart and my mind and my energy away from myself and my to-do list and away from the weather and away from all the things that are skewing my perspective.  I choose to be grateful.  I choose to notice all the little grace gifts that the Lord has so generously given me.  I choose to fix my eyes on Jesus today. 

Today I choose joy!

"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."  (Matthew 6:33 ESV)

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