Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Provider....continued....

What did you learn yesterday?  As I write that question, I'm reminded of a friend we knew some years ago when we lived in another state who always greeted everyone with a question...."what is God doing in your life today?" or "what is God teaching you?".  That's probably a good way for each of us to begin every stop and consider what God is doing, what He is teaching us.

When we consider the name Jehovah-Jireh, we often think of having our physical needs met.  I was reminded of this last evening as much-needed rain fell here on our mountain.  I  found myself saying thank you to my Jehovah-Jireh for providing what was needed.  But as we consider the passage in Genesis, the event in Abraham's life that we began examining yesterday, wouldn't you agree that Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord will provide, relates to much more than just physical needs?  Let's consider that today.  And so I ask you again, what did you learn yesterday?  As you read Genesis 22, what insights did you gain about God's provision, about obedience, about love, about worship?  You can share those insights with the rest of us by leaving a comment.

Here are some things for us to think about today:
  • Look at Genesis 22:2...."take now".  Take when?  Now, not later!  When God speaks, obey now!!
  • Genesis 22:2....."offer as a burnt offering".  A burnt offering was always voluntary (see Leviticus chapter 1).  And when a burnt offering was offered, nothing was held back.  What is the principle here?  I think there are two things to consider......first, does God require us to obey or do we obey because we choose to?  Secondly, what are we holding back?
  • Here's an interesting point to consider.....Abraham did not choose what the offering/sacrifice would be.  But would you not agree that Isaac, the long-awaited son God had promised, was very precious to Abraham?  Yet that is the very thing God told him to offer up!  And did God Himself not also offer up the very same for us....His only Son!  How does this principle apply to us?
  • As we continue this thought, add this into the mix........some years ago Steven Curtis Chapman recorded a song with this line, "I will hold loosely to things that are fleeting, but I will hold on to Jesus for life."  What are you, what am I, holding on to too tightly today?  Have we placed our all on the altar as the old hymn says?  What are we holding back?
  • Genesis 22:8...."God will provide for Himself the lamb."  Some translations read "God will provide Himself the lamb."  Leaving out that little preposition gives us an important insight, doesn't it?  Isn't this what it really means that God is our Jehovah-Jireh?  That He has provided Himself!
  • Genesis 22:13-14.....Most conservative sources feel that 2000 years later, Mt Moriah, if not identical, was at least in the same mountain range north of Jerusalem, on which stood a lonely hill named Golgotha ["Skull"] where God the Father offered up His Son, His only begotten Son Whom He loved, as a substitute for all who would one day by faith enter into the Abrahamic Covenant and by extension into the New Covenant in the precious blood as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ, our "Jehovah Jireh".  Ponder that thought today!
This has been some heavy thinking today, hasn't it?!  Thank you for digging deeper with me as we get to know our God better by knowing His names! 

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