Thursday, August 12, 2010

Is That All?

Yesterday we pondered the truth that our Jehovah-Jireh has provided for us the most important thing we will ever need......He has provided Himself the Lamb in the person of Christ Jesus who sacrificed Himself for our sins.  So here's the question of the that all that Jehovah-Jireh provides?  As I ask that question, I realize that it seems almost disrespectful.  To say "is that all?" in relation to can I even ask such a question.  Please understand that I mean no disrespect at all.  If our relationship with Jesus is "all" that we have, it is enough!!!!!

But the truth remains that not only does Jehovah-Jireh provide for us in the spiritual realm, providing all that we need in the person of Jesus, but He also provides for us on a practical level!  And that's where we are focusing our attention today.  I don't think I remembered to tell you yesterday that in the Old Testament, the word jireh means "to see".  So how does "provider" come from that?  Kay Arthur explains it this way, "Since He is God, when He sees, He foresees."  In the Genesis passage we have been focusing on, when Abraham said "God will provide for Himself the lamb," he was literally saying "God will see for Himself the lamb."  In the language of the Old Testament, he was saying that God would see the need and provide for it.  Because of that, Abraham named that place "The LORD will provide" (Jehovah-Jireh).  But what does that mean for you and me as we go about life today?

Check out the following Scripture passages.  What do you learn?  Make a list.  Then, as you review the list of what you learn, spend some time in worship.  Give thanks and praise to Jehovah-Jireh, YOUR provider, for ALL that He provides!
  • Matthew 6:7-8
  • Romans 8:32
  • 1 Corinthians 10:13
  • John 3:36
  • Philippian 4:19

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