Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Lost and Found. A Thankful Tuesday Post.

Last week I wrote a post marking the anniversary of our life-changing move across the country, from South Carolina to Colorado, more than twenty-five years ago. Each year as I recall that move, I end up making a trip down memory lane, and this year is no exception. I've been reflecting on all the changes in our lives as a result of that move, and recalling to mind all the ways God has blessed us through the years.

Inevitably, that triggers a lot of memories.

When I was a very little girl, I was in Belks in Spartanburg with my mother. Not the Belks that is now in the mall, since we didn't have a mall back then. This was Belks on Main Street, right next to Woolworth's. We were on the second floor in the women's dresses department. Mother was shopping for a dress, and I was enamored with all the colors and fabrics and textures. As a small child, I could only reach the hems of these dresses, but I loved the feel of the fabrics in my hand, so I wandered around touching all the dresses. The result of my wandering was that I could no longer see my mother, and I panicked! Thankfully, the kind store clerk reunited us, and all was well.

Some years later, I got lost in the woods. On this occasion, I had gone with my daddy to the family cemetery where his mother and his grandparents and great-grandparents were buried. This little cemetery is out in the country, well off the road, surrounded by the woods. While Daddy did his "maintenance work", pulling weeds and raking leaves, I wandered off into the woods. The woods were very thick and as I went in deeper, it got darker, to the point that I could barely see.  The canopy of trees overhead was so thick that I could no longer see the sky. Once again, I panicked. I screamed. I cried. I called Daddy's name over and over.  He heard my cries and came to find me. Only when I felt his arms around me did I feel safe again.

And then there was the time we lost Brandon in Haywood Mall in Greenville, when he was three years old. While my mother and I were selecting a pair of jeans for Brian and being sure they fit, Brandon wandered away. (Is there a family trend here? Is wandering away part of our DNA?) He later said he was just looking for the toys! Once we realized he was missing, my mother and I began looking for him. Eventually we enlisted the help of the mall security guards. Three hours later we found him, in Sears at the other end of the mall, in the toy department.  Although we were panicked, he was perfectly content. I have never forgotten the terror I felt when I could not find my child!

These events call to mind some truths about our great God. Unlike me, He always knows where his children are. Even when we wander away, He knows.  As a child, I wandered away from my mother and could no longer see her, nor could she see me.  But even when we wander from God, He still sees. He knows where we are.

And He hears when we call.  Just as my Daddy heard my voice and responded, so too does God hear when we call His name. When we are lost and cry out to Him, He responds.

I am grateful that when I was separated from my mother, someone was there to point me back to her. I am grateful that when I cried for help, Daddy came. I am grateful that my lost child was found.

So grateful. And grateful for all those along my life's journey who pointed me to Jesus. Who taught me the truths of God's Word.

Even more grateful for a God who loves me so much. Who never leaves me or forsakes me. Who hears me when I call.

"for he has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'"  (Hebrews 13:5 ESV)

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