Thursday, May 5, 2016

He Was Right

"Never, never, never give up." - Winston Churchill

When we lived in the mountains, we had very large pyracantha bush at the end of our front porch.  A couple of years ago, when the landscape crew came in the spring to see what needed to be done to spruce our yard up after a long, hard winter, I told them to cut that pyracantha bush down because it was dead.

That was on a Wednesday.  When the crew came to do the work on Saturday, just a few days later, there were green leaves on that bush.  I had given up on that bush too soon.

Day after day, that plant grew a little greener, and it wasn't the only one.  In that particular spring, the plants were just taking longer than normal to come out of their winter hibernation.  Who could blame them after the winter we had that year! 
Winston Churchill was right. The Holy Spirit reminded me of that yesterday. 
After my physical therapy session yesterday, I was frustrated.  It was a good session.  I'm able to do much more than I could even a week ago.  I'm getting stronger.  But my knee still won't bend consistently beyond 100 degrees no matter how hard I try and no matter how much I will it to do so.  And that frustrates me.  I've said often before that I'm not a particularly patient person, and that's certainly true with this recovery.  My therapist says I'm being too hard on myself.  She says I'm doing well and I shouldn't get so frustrated.  If she had quoted Winston Churchill in her little pep talk yesterday, I probably would have laughed out loud!
What Caitlin was saying to me yesterday was the same thing Churchill said all those years ago:  Don't give up.
I gave up too soon on my plants. I've been much too quick to give up on myself during this rehab process.  
The message to my frustrated and impatient self is not to give up on this or any other things too soon.  God's timing is always perfect.  He is never early.  Never late.  Always right on time.
Churchill was right.
 "Never, never, never give up."
"He hath made everything beautiful in his time."  (Ecclesiastes 3:11 KJV, emphasis mine)


  1. Susan, Don't give up!! I had days of therapy that I sure wanted to just quit & let my knee be where it was & forget pushing anymore. But they kept pushing me & the day I got over 100 degrees, I was ecstatic & so thankful they kept me going. And they kept telling me "you are being too hard on yourself." But it really was my impatience & wanting to be done with recovery NOW! Keeping ewe in my prayers with much understanding.

  2. It's encouraging to know someone understands!! Thanks so much for that, and for your continued prayers!
