Monday, July 15, 2013

A Change of Scenery

I'm enjoying some variation in my schedule this week.  As I've said before, I'm very much a creature of habit and routine.  This week all my routines are altered.  We're in Florida for a few days.  Al is working in Tampa this week and I tagged along.  Having a grandson here had nothing at all to do with it (see me smile)!

In fact, both of us have our routines significantly altered this week.  Al is here to give some of his co-workers some on the job training.  I dropped him off at the airport this morning to pick up a rental car large enough to transport the six of them to and from the job site.  I'll see him again when he returns at about 3:00 in the morning.  In the meantime, he's taking the co-workers to visit several of their distributors, giving them some training, and then they go to the job site where they will work from 6pm until 2am.  Tomorrow morning he takes this group to the airport to fly back to Atlanta and picks up the next group.  I'm not sure when he will be sleeping.  I am sure that by the time this is over, he will be exhausted!  I'm tired just thinking about it!

In the meantime, even though it's Monday, there's no laundry or grocery shopping or decluttering the house in my schedule.  Just some leisure time by the pool, maybe a little shopping, some coffee, and some Christopher time!  I think I could get used to this!

Yesterday we missed being with our church family at First Baptist Spartanburg.  But it was a joy to worship with family and friends here at our "second" home church, First Baptist Brandon.  And it was so good to see so many friends we so seldom see, except on Facebook!

A change in routine is good from time to time.  I'm thankful for this week to reconnect with family and friends.  I'm especially thankful for some family time with Brian, Emily, and Christopher.  It's hard to live so far away.  So I'm getting all the hugs I can while I'm here.

I'm enjoying the sunshine.  At least when the sun shines!  It seems that daily rain is a fixture here just as it has been at home all summer.

I'm enjoying this week away.  To relax.  To refresh.  To catch up with family and friends.  I'll be ready by week's end to get back home and back to my normal routines.  I'm a creature of habit, after all.

The view is different here.  Not a mountain in sight!  Hardly even a small hill.  But I'm enjoying every minute of different scenery and different routines and fun with family.

Sometimes a change of scenery and a change of routine is exactly what a person needs!

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven."  (Ecclesiastes 3:1 ESV)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the new grandbaby. Oh, how wonderful! And, yes, the change of scenery--especially with family and friends--is something we all need from time to time. Loved your post.
