Yesterday we read the story of Hagar. Hagar's life was hard. When our life is too hard, we can find strength in discovering what Hagar discovered. The Lord is "the God who sees me." He is aware of our pain, of our need, of every circumstance of our lives. He sees us and He sees our future as well. This gives us hope even when our circumstances may be difficult.
Let's review what we learned from Genesis 16:
- what was Sarai's response to God's delay? (verse 2.....she took matters into her own hands.)
- what was Hagar's response when she had conceived? (verses 4-5)
- what was Sarai's reaction? (verse 5) (Have you ever played the "blame game"?)
- what was the result?
Look up the following Scriptures and note what you learn about God.......what does He watch over, how much does He see, how much does He care. Note your findings in your notebook or journal. If you have the time, use your word study tools to find additional references to add to the list.
- Psalm 34:15-18
- Psalm 55:22
- Romans 8:31
- Jeremiah 1:12
- Psalm 139:7-12
- Matthew 10:29-31
- Exodus 3:7
"For a man's ways are before the eyes of the Lord, and He watches all his paths." (Proverbs 5:21)
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