This is a challenging name. It is a name that denotes a relationship. It is a name that indicates that I am not in charge; rather, I am the servant and He is the Master. It is a name that challenges us to live in a way that demonstrates His lordship. It challenges us to declare Him "Lord" not only with our lips but also with our lives.
How do we live this out? Let's see what the Scripture has to say. Read the following Scriptures and note what you learn from each about your Adonai and what your relationship to Him is to be. What do you learn about how to apply what you have learned? How does what you learn in these passages help you know how to live out what you have learned about Adonai? What does it mean to know Him as Adonai, to run into the strong tower of that name?
- Matthew 7:21-23
- Psalm 141:8-10
- Psalm 119:125
- Psalm 136:1-3
- John 13:13-15
- John 15:10-12
Here's the bottom line - who is master of your life? Is there any area you are holding back? Talk to your Adonai about that today.
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