Monday, November 9, 2009

Accomplishing a Goal

I've been reflecting today on the sense of accomplishment that comes with the completion of a goal. I think it probably doesn't matter what the goal my case, finishing the long-awaited basement cleanup. That is one project that has been put off for so long that I'm embarrassed to even admit how long! But this past Saturday I FINALLY finished!! Well, almost finished.....there's still a little sweeping up and some trash to carry to the dump. The trash is still there because it wouldn't all fit in the car on Saturday afternoon.

Along with a sense of accomplishment, I'm also experiencing some pain. Some of that is due to being on my feet for so long on Saturday and the effect that has on my impaired ankle. There is also the pain of aching muscles that don't normally get that kind of use (abuse!!). I wonder if it is true that every worthwhile endeavor comes with a few aches and pains. Is it true that nothing worthwhile is ever accomplished without at least some discomfort, some challenge to our status quo? Something to think about.

I've also been thinking that the satisfaction of accomplishing a goal is not at all diminished by the fact that completion of the goal was later than I originally anticipated. I think that's something to remember for other goals in life and/or business. Sometimes the date changes while the goal remains the same. There is still satisfaction in the achievment.

But......if the accomplishment had not been delayed (if I had not procrastinated so long), I could have been enjoying this sense of satisfaction so much sooner, and perhaps without so much pain. Hmmmmmmm........something to think about! Maybe I'll eventually get around to actually thinking about it! (See me smile!!)

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