Tuesday, June 17, 2014

When You Just Don't Know

God, I don't even know how to pray about the situation in Iraq, but tonight I am lifting it to You! - Kay Arthur's Facebook post, June 16, 2014

That pretty much sums up my feelings.  About the situation in Iraq.  And about so many other situations as well.

Sometimes we just don't know what or how to pray, do we?

Sometimes circumstances are just too overwhelming.  Or too confusing.  Or too difficult to understand.

And we just don't know.

Many years ago I was part of a Bible study group discussing this very topic.  In the years since, I have often recalled our leader's words.  When you don't know how to pray, just ask that all the will of God be accomplished in and through whatever the situation is.

Good advice.  Thank you, Margaret. 

So for Iraq.  And for persecuted Christians throughout the world.  For strained relationships.  And for all the other situations that confuse or distress or disturb us.  

For all the times we can't understand what God is doing.  Or why He hasn't responded in the way we expected He would.  Or when we can't seem to see His hand at work. 

For all the times we just don't understand. 

For all the times we are too overwhelmed.

And confused.

For all the times when the pain, whether physical or emotional, is just too great to bear.

For all those times.

And more.

We pray Thy will be done.
"Pray then, like this:
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
(Matthew 6:9-10 ESV)

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