Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Wee Bit Frustrated!

One of the down sides to any holiday celebration is the post-holiday clean up.  The "take all the decorations down and get everything back where it belongs" that comes after the celebrating is done and everybody has gone back home.  And that's where I find myself today. 

The tree is down and the decorations have been returned to the storage room in the basement.  Except for the occasional bits I keep finding that I forgot to put in the box.  Those bits are being collected on the kitchen table to be taken all together to the basement, where all the remaining bits now are.  My plan is to sort and reorganize the whole lot in the spring.  Basements are warmer then!  We've collected quite an assortment of decorations over the years, much of which we no longer use, so I would just like all that sorted and the unused stuff disposed of.  But that will have to wait for another day.

Meanwhile, there's catching up on laundry and mail and all the other routine tasks that have been ignored for the last two weeks.  Any mail received during those weeks, other than what was obviously a Christmas card or a bill that needed to be paid, was put in a pile to be dealt with later.  Well, "later" is here now, so I have to deal with it.  I put all that off for good reason.  When there's cookie baking and game playing and giggling with grandsons to be done, who needs to deal with laundry and junk mail (well, mostly junk!)?  But now it has to be dealt with.

Along with dust and changing bed linens and ......... All the stuff that is part of running a household now has to be dealt with.  And I am really ready to be "caught up".  Ready to be back to the point where keeping up with daily tasks for the two of us is not an all-day affair.  Ready to do what I want to do rather than just what needs to be done!

Maybe I just didn't have a realistic assessment of what needed doing.  Maybe I'm just not a very good time manager.  Maybe it's just that I'm getting older (gasp!!) and it takes longer to get things done.  Maybe it's that this arthritis is slowing me down more than I would have cared to admit. 

Whatever the reason that it's taking so long, I'm finding myself just a wee bit frustrated today. There are things I want to do.  There are stacks of books yet unread.  And many more on the shelf just begging to be re-read.

So I guess it's time to stop typing and get busy!!

"So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom."  (Psalm 91:12 ESV)

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