Friday, January 21, 2011

It's Not About Me.....or You!!!!!

Yesterday we looked at a verse in Exodus.  God called Aaron and his descendants to be "priest to Me." I thought about the verse, that phrase kept resonating with me.  "To Me".  To God.  Not to Aaron.  I think that is really an important point.  Worship is about God.  It's not about me.  Or you.  Maybe I'm overstating the obvious, but that seems to be a lost point these days.  More often I hear things like.......I don't like that music; they never sing my favorite song; the music is too loud; I don't like organ music; I don't like guitars; I don't like drums.........Notice the recurring theme?

So, this leads me to the conclusion that many of us are missing the point!!  It's not about me!!  It's not about you!!  (Gasp!!!!!)  It IS about God!!  ALL about God!!  Not about making people comfortable.  Not about the latest trends or fads in church growth books.  Not about what the church down the street is doing.  It is ALL about God!!

If I have offended you, please feel free to click your "delete" or "escape" or "whatever" button!!!  If not, or if you are at least a little bit curious as to where this is going, feel free to continue!!  And if you disagree, please feel free to leave a comment about why you disagree.  But please don't be disagreeable :)

You will remember from yesterday that the priest was to make atonement for himself and the people.  The word translated as atonement is a word that means "to cover".  It's often used for the concept of covering over sin with a blood sacrifice.  In the tabernacle, all who served as priests (including Aaron and his descendants) were from the tribe of Levi.  As we will see today, later God would designate another as High Priest.  Please read Hebrews 4:14, Hebrews 5:9-10, and Hebrews 8:1-2.  Look for every reference to priest or minister.

What did you learn from these verses? Remember that Aaron, as high priest, was to make atonement for the people.  Who is our great High Priest?  Where is He now?

Aaron and his descendants served under the Old Covenant, the Law.  Under the New Covenant, a covenant of grace, Jesus is our High Priest, serving in the true tabernacle in heaven.  Look at a couple of other passages (Revelation 1:5-6; 1 Peter 2:9).  What do you learn about priests in these verses?  According to these verses, who are the priests, and to whom?

Would knowing this affect in any practical way the manner in which you worship God?  How?
What are we to proclaim?
Would you consider this worship?

Think about that today, and next time we'll travel back to the tabernacle.

"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."  (2 Peter 2:9 NASB)

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