Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The New Normal

Today is an anniversary. On this day, 10 weeks ago, life was normal. And then it wasn't. On this day, 10 weeks ago, I had a stroke and "normal" changed.

Today I am celebrating. Today I am giving thanks. Today is a good day!

On this day 10 weeks ago, things were not so good. On this day, there were a lot of questions. Would I wake up? If I did wake up, would I be speak to speak. Would I be able to use my hand. If I did wake up, exactly what would my life be like? I'm thankful that I was unaware of that, and even more thankful for all of you who were praying for me on that day.

Today I'm celebrating those prayers. Celebrating a faithful God who hears and answers prayer! Celebrating that not only did I wake up after what we have come to refer to as "the event", but I am healthy and happy and loving my life! Yes, my life has a new "normal", but life is good and I am so blessed!

Because I can't answer every question individually, let me give you an update here. After the last several weeks, since I was discharged from Rehab, I have had outpatient therapy twice a week, for three hours each visit - Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and  Speech Therapy. I was discharged from PT last Wednesday and discharged from OT on Friday. Speech Therapy will continue for several more weeks.

I regained the use of my right arm before I left the hospital, and after these weeks of therapy I have regained most of my strength on that side. The "new normal" has to do with my vision and my speech, which is a term that covers reading and writing and talking. Probably to no ones surprise, the "talking" has recovered. I still get words jumbled up, especially when I'm tired, but I sometimes get "stuck" on a word, but overall, "talking" is going very well.

My writing skills continue to improve. I'm still having trouble understanding why it is so much easier for me to "write" on the computer keyboard than to use paper or my phone, but typing continues to be the method by which I am best able to communicate. My written communication continues to improve, and I spend a lot of time practicing writing, copying words and doing other exercises assigned by my therapist, so I'm hoping I'll continue to make progress.

Reading remains the most challenging. I can read short words and phrases, occasionally a paragraph or two, but it is a slow, painstaking process. I'm hopeful that all this effort yields a good result! My therapist continues to remind me that it will take time, so I'm trying to be patient!

Other than doing my therapy "homework" and not being able to drive any more, life is good. I take walks in the neighborhood just as I did before. I do laundry and things around the house, just as I did before.  I don't pay the bills or do anything to do with money, because I still mix numbers up pretty badly, so our new "normal" is that Al takes care of that. And I rarely talk on the phone any more, so if you have called and I didn't answer, its because it's just easier for me not to deal with the telephone. Please don't take it personally!

Another "new normal" is that I always have Al proofread these posts, just to be sure I haven't mixed my words up. But he's in a meeting all morning, so I'm taking a lead and posting without a proofreader for the first time since "the event"! Another "new normal"!

These 10 weeks have been challenging. And frustrating. And exhausting! But they have been weeks of great blessing and encouragement. Weeks that have grown my faith. That have blessed me beyond measure! And I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Yes, my "normal" has changed. But my God has not changed. And these 10 weeks have only deepened my love for Him. I am so grateful for all of you who have prayed for me and who continue to pray. You have blessed me beyond words!

On this 10 week anniversary, I am so thankful! God has been so good to me, and I give Him all the glory for all He has done!

"Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name."
(Psalm 103:1)


  1. Thank you, Susan, for beautiful and inspiring thoughts. You remind us all how fragile life is but how great God is and cares for our smallest need. Your testimony is far reaching.May the Lord continue to bless and heal...Love you!

  2. I thank God for you, Susan! You are an inspiration!
