Thursday, December 11, 2014

Are You Ready for Christmas?

Are you ready for Christmas?  How many times have you heard that question already this Christmas season?

What does that question mean to you?

Sometimes it means "have you finished your Christmas shopping?" Or maybe it means "are all your decorations up?" Or "have you finished the cookie baking?" Or it might means something else.

Some years ago I heard a sermon on this topic.  In fact, the pastor had titled his message "Are You Ready for Christmas?"  But what he was talking about had nothing to do with decorations or shopping or cookie baking!

His point, and one I think we would all do well to remember, is that being "ready" for Christmas has very little to do with shopping or cookies or trees or decorations. It has everything to do with Jesus. And with a right relationship with Him. Being ready for Christmas is about focus......about remembering why we are doing this in the first place.....about celebrating Jesus!

I'm not anti-Christmas decorations or anti-Christmas presents or anti-Christmas cookies (especially not anti-cookies!!). But I am saddened by how easily our focus shifts away from the real reason for the celebration.

 We spend a lot of time during the Christmas season thinking about those who are special to us and about what gift we can give to let them know just how much we love them.

Should we not also do the same for Jesus? It's His birthday we're celebrating!! What gift will you give Him this year?

What can I give Him,
Poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd
I would bring a lamb,
If I were a wise man
I would do my part,
Yet what I can I give Him,
Give Him my heart.
   -Christina Rossetti

Listen to a 10-year old sing this song here:

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