Monday, August 31, 2009


Overwhelmed! That's the only word that comes to mind right now.......I am feeling completely and absolutely overwhelmed. I have so much to do I can't even begin to know where to begin! There's all the "regular" around-the-house stuff......laundry, de-cluttering, dealing with the ever-present dust bunnies, need to empty and reload the dishwasher, need to do some grocery shopping, but that would mean making a list, etc, etc, etc! Then there's the other out the closets and drawers, actually cleaning out the basement and getting rid of some of that junk instead of just talking about it, catching up with the filing that is piling up on my desk, etc, etc, etc. And of course there's the yet-to-be-completed cleaning out of all the drawers, closets, boxes of stuff in Daddy's house......although we made some progress on that this past weekend....along with the inevitable paperwork that goes with settling up someone's affairs and I have found several boxes of papers and newspaper clippings that will help tell the story of my grandparents and great-grandparents, but of course I need time to sit and read through all that. All that has to fit around dentist and doctor appointments and all the other busyness of life!! Whew! No wonder I'm feeling overwhelmed!

But I am also overwhelmed in another the sense of absolute awe at the love of God and His grace toward me. It is certainly true that I have done nothing to deserve that. Just the opposite, in fact. I have lost my temper more times than I care to admit to, particularly recently (I guess it goes with being tired and overwhelmed in the sense of the previous paragraph!). I make stupid choices, again more often than I really want to admit. I have been sarcastic and unkind and impatient and judgmental. I could go on and on......yet in spite of all this, God loves me and has extended His grace toward me. In spite of my inadequacies and shortcomings - and they are many - He loves me and His grace is sufficient for every circumstance of my life! As we sang in church yesterday.....He is my strength when I am weak, He is the treasure that I seek, He is my all in all.

I'm overwhelmed!

Monday, August 17, 2009

I've been thinking a lot over the last several days about what a privilege prayer that I think, unfortunately, I and probably many others often take for granted. That Almighty God actually listens to me is a mind-boggling concept!! So, as I continue to ponder, to reflect, to be in awe, perhaps my thoughts may actually turn into some coherent writing! In the meantime, join me in thinking about these words from the hymn writer......maybe you'll even find yourself humming or singing along!!

"Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer."

Friday, August 14, 2009

Looking Back And Looking Forward

I haven't written many posts lately. I think that may be partly due to the fact that I didn't think I had anything to say. Even more I think it is because life has been incredibly busy this summer. What ever happened to those "lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer"?? Or maybe it's because I just can't seem to stay focused on anything long enough to have a coherent thought, much less write it down! I'm sure that is related to the incredible busyness of this summer.

Aside from the normal busyness of life, there have been numerous trips down to SC to begin the process of cleaning out daddy's house, dealing with the attorney, the bank, etc. I had no idea that being the "court appointed personal representative" of daddy's "estate" would be so time-consuming! Even using the word "estate" seems a bit ridiculous to me - implies, in my mind at least, huge amounts of money and vast property holdings, which certainly aren't the case here. But, as with seemingly everything in modern life, there is a vast amount of paperwork! And the cleaning out closets and drawers in preparation for selling the house is a very time-consuming process......but that may be partly due to the fact that I'm always stopping to spend a little time with some treasure I have found.

For example, I found a letter written from my great-grandfather to my grandfather, postmarked in 1907 (in this case, I'm thankful for the envelope......but Daddy saved every envelope, and that usually drives me up the wall!!). I also found a letter written by Grandmother Austin to my mother, on the occasion of my parents' engagement, welcoming her to the family. I love finding those treasures! Going through old bank statements and credit card receipts, not so much!!

As we (my brother and I) begin making decisions about what to do with this or that, and begin bringing home a book or a trinket or a piece of furniture, we have both commented that it's like having a little piece of our parents in our own homes. While the "stuff" is just that - stuff- it is somehow comforting to look around the room and see the table that was always by Daddy's chair, where he kept his Bible and his devotional have that now by my chair. To have a pitcher and set of glasses that Great-Aunt Mamie gave to my parents as a wedding gift makes me smile everytime I see them in the china cabinet. I love looking at the photo of me and Mother, taken when I was about 4 years old. I am challenged when I take out the now-yellowed index cards with Scripture verses hand-written on them in my mother's handwriting.....knowing she memorized all those verses and remembered them even when her brain had been damaged by multiple strokes.

All these things are associated with wonderful memories of a happy childhood, a wonderful life, and two parents whom I adored. I miss them both terribly. How thankful I am for the assurance that I will see them again. How thankful I am that they loved the Lord with all their hearts and taught me to do the same. And how I look forward to that great family reunion!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I spent this last weekend in Greensboro......some precious time with family, and attended a fabulous conference called DeeperStill......being challenged to go deeper still in my walk with the Lord. It was a powerful event and I'm still processing all God was saying to me.

One of my favorite moments of the weekend was during the time Kay Arthur was teaching and she said, "God has given us 66 books in the Bible. Which ones do you think He wants you to know?"

It was so exciting to be in an arena with about 11,000 other women (and a few brave men!) who all love the Lord and want to grow in their relationship with Him! Click on the link and check out a few highlights.

DeeperStill - Greensboro NC
Lifeway Presents DeeperStill with Kay Arthur, Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer and music with Travis Cottrell.