Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My first post

I've been thinking lately about just how much time I have spent in the last several years just sitting.
It really began several years ago, almost 4 years now, when I broke/shattered my left ankle while out walking the dog. It takes real talent to fall on a flat surface and do that much damage! Several months, 4 surgeries and hours of physical therapy later, I had surgery on my right knee. I guess it was tired from carrying me around for all those months! The result was - you guessed it - more sitting!

After spending the better part of a year just sitting on my backside, eating the yummy food brought in by family and friends, and getting to know the Food Network and the Travel Channel much too well, I had developed a habit - sitting. Unfortunately all that sitting did not result in any profound new thought processes or anything really worthwhile. It mostly resulted in a broader backside and a more-sedentary-than-ever lifestyle. Not good.

Since that well-remembered day (March 29, 2005), I have become a professional sitter. I have wasted countless hours just sitting, doing nothing or watching mindless television or all-day news. On a positive note, I have learned to knit.....although only in very recent months. I have read many books, most of them not worth reading.

So, as I enter the blogosphere, it seems appropriate to refer to this as my Sitting Room. There is a notable difference in my sitting, however, as I approach 2009. My sitting has become "on purpose". As I am reading (re-reading actually) "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World", I want to sit at the feet of Jesus....I want my sitting to be an opportunity to hear from Him and then to lead me into a purposeful life. To quote Oswald Chambers, it is my determined purpose to be "my utmost for His highest." And so I sit, listening. And I ponder what I hear. No longer sitting just because it is a habit, but sitting because there is purpose in the sitting and waiting and listening. And then I look forward to getting out of the chair and being obedient to whatever He tells me.

Why not pour a cup of coffee or make a cup of tea and sit with me?

1 comment:

  1. Look forward to sitting with you and hearing what you have on your mind and heart. Hopefully we can both become more "Marys". Jan
