Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The Blessing and the Curse of Social Media

Community is important. Being connected to friends and family is a vital part of our existence. We need connection. We crave connection. When I first became aware of social media, I lived in a very isolated spot in the North Carolina mountains. Social media became a way to not feel quite so isolated. A way to connect with people.

That’s the up-side of social media. Social media has helped us stay connected. In that way, it is a blessing.

But there is a down side to social media. Everything we see or hear or read on social media isn't true. It isn't posted with good intentions. In fact, that applies to all media. 

We have become more and more aware in recent years just how much the news media tries to control the narrative of our lives. How much media - both news media and social media - are being used to spread fear and panic. This is the curse of social media. Of all media.

How do we avoid being led astray?

Be cautious.

Before you jump to accept something you read on Facebook and begin to share it with the world, check the facts. Is it true. Is it honest. Is it helpful. Does it honor God?

Be connected.

More important than your connection to social media is your connection to the Word of God. That is the plumb line by which everything must be measured. Before you share something to social media, ask the same questions. Is it true. Is it honest. Is it helpful. Does it honor God?

This last one has caused me to think very carefully about what I post. And to take down some things I had posted in the heat of the moment! We have all been guilty of those kinds of posts. But let's be careful!

Know the truth.

Jesus said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." (John 8:32)

Knowing the Word, and the God of the Word, helps us make wise decisions. About what to believe and what not to believe. About what to post on social media. About so many things!

To know the Word means we will be spending time in the word. Not just a quick verse of the day, or reading a quick morning devotion, but spending time in the Word. We should be like the Berean Christians in the book of Acts who "examined the scriptures daily…..”

We are living in challenging times. We are bombarded with information. A 24-hour news cycle. Social media in various forms. Let’s be cautious. Let's not fall into the trap of believing everything we see and hear on social medial. Let’s not fall into the trap of reposting everything that comes across our news feed without first examining it carefully.

Let's hold everything against the plumb line of God's Word.

"Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things." (Philippians 4:8 NASB)

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful comments that should make everyone stop and think.
