Saturday, January 14, 2023

Success or Failure?

 “Ezra had determined....” (Ezra 7:10 CSB)

Now that we are a couple of weeks into the new year, how are you doing on those goals you have set? Are you making progress, or have you given up already?

When we are not making good progress, the problem is often in our preparation. In other words, have you set yourself up to fail or to succeed?

Consider this example. Let’s suppose for a moment that you, like many others, set a health goal this year. Perhaps to lose some weight, or to exercise more consistently, or both. In order to achieve your goals, you first must make a decision. That first step toward success is a commitment to do what it takes to move you toward your goal. If your goal is weight loss, you must first commit to it, followed by taking steps that will help you be successful (deciding on a plan, shopping for appropriate foods, getting rid of the junk food in the pantry, for example).

In other words, it means being like Ezra, the Old Testament priest, who “had determined….”.

Let’s consider Ezra’s example as it applies in other areas. Specifically, let’s consider how it applies to our spiritual goals. That was Ezra’s determination. Ezra set a goal. He made a decision.

“Now Ezra determined in his heart to study the law of the Lord, obey it, and teach it.”

Whether your goal is to read the Bible through this year, or to memorize Scripture, or to join a Bible Study, or whatever your spiritual goal is, this is how you set yourself up for success. It starts with a decision. A commitment.

But the decision alone is not enough. The decision must be followed by action. Just saying “I want to….” or “I should….” is not enough. 

What steps have you taken to reach your spiritual goals this year? Have you

  • Made a decision/commitment?
  • Made a plan?
  • Set aside time?
  • Been deliberate in how you choose to invest your time and energy?
If not, you may be setting yourself up for failure. Good intentions alone are not enough.

If you’re already two weeks into the year and are without spiritual goals, or you feel like you are already too far behind, don’t give up! Start fresh today. Make a good decision!

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