Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Is It Real?

Is it really you? I’ve been asked that question a lot lately. After my social identity was stolen and I had to set up a new account, people are skeptical that the new me is really me. And rightfully so. There are a lot of hackers out there. I have really appreciated all those who took the time to ask if this is really me. If this is the real me, and not just some clone. 

These friends discerned that this is the real me by asking questions. Questions about our childhood. Or about our college days. About things we have in common. Questions that only the “real” me could answer. 

Asking questions before we jump to accept or deny a request on social media is a good idea. It helps us know which is real and which is false. 

Asking questions is also a good idea when we are trying to separate truth from falsehood in other areas of life. When we watch television news. When we listen to talk radio. When we read an article on the internet. Surely we have learned by now that everything we read or hear isn’t truth. Yet we cling to it as though it is.

In these days of social media, of hackers and clones, of airbrushed photos and so-called reality TV, we who are wise will ask questions. We will not blindly accept everything we see and hear and read as truth.

It is even more important when it comes to spiritual matters. “Is it real?” In other words, is it true? Does what I am hearing or seeing or reading line up with the truth of God’s Word? Because God’s Word is our plumb line for knowing what is truth and what isn’t.

This means we need to be asking a lot of questions. When we listen to our pastor. When we listen to our favorite Bible teacher. When we read our favorite devotional book. When you read this blog. When we see the TV preacher or listen to a podcast or a Bible teacher or a famous Christian personality.

Is it real? Is it true? Does it line up with Scripture. These are the questions we need to be asking. Especially in a world filled with false.

The Bible is our plumb line. This is how we discern truth from error. This is how we know what is real. But to know what God has said, we must spend time in His Word. Not just every now and then. But regularly. Consistently. Intentionally. Only then do we have the tools to discern truth from error.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. And trust God to use His Word to help you discern truth from error.

“…they received the Word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.”  (Acts 17:11 NASB)

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