I've been thinking a lot about reunions. It all started, really, when Matt died last week. Matt was the son of our friends Mike and Olivia, whom we knew in Colorado. He was our sons' friend from back then.
Our friend Kelley had several posts last week about Matt and about his funeral. One of the points he mentioned was the high that comes when you see friends you haven't seen in 20 years. Funerals are like that.
It's sad to me that we often see family members and friends only when someone dies. But that's a thought for another day.
Today I'm thinking about reunions. About how nice it would be to get together and catch up with those friends from days gone by. The up side of moving around as much as we have is that you have friends in all parts of the country. One of the down sides is that you don't get to see them much. Sometimes not at all, once you have moved away. That's sad. Depressing, really, if I let myself think about it too long.
I would love to have a reunion with those old friends. (Not that they are old......just friends from the "old days"......although it is true that we are older!!) I occasionally see some friends from the early days of our marriage. I get together with a dear friend from high school (we go all the way back to junior high!). She and I reconnected when my daddy died. See what I mean?
But there are so many other friends I would love to see......friends from days in Colorado and Connecticut and Minnesota. I still see many of my Florida friends, although I miss them a lot when I'm here in NC and they are still there in FL. And I would love to see more of my family.....my sons and my grandsons, my brother and his family, cousins I haven't seen in years. And the list goes on.
So I would love a reunion. The good news is that there is one coming. It has been planned for a very long time. And I'm really looking forward to it!
"For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout.......and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord." (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)
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