That's the thought that has been resonating with me for the last 24 hours. I found out yesterday that a young man we knew when we lived in Denver had died suddenly. He was in youth group with my boys. He was the same age as my younger son. He left behind a wife and three young daughters.
I've been traveling down memory lane a lot since I heard the news.......remembering the Wilson family; remembering good times in Denver; wondering what happened to a lot of the people we knew there and where they are now. I've been giving thanks for my family. I've been giving thanks for all the friends we've met along our journey. We've moved a lot over the years.......not exactly what we expected when we first married, but it's the way life has worked out for us. In all that moving, we've met a lot of people. Some of them we are still in touch with. Some of them we have lost touch with......and that makes me sad. I find myself missing what might have been.
So I've been remembering......and wondering.....reflecting back and looking forward......realizing that, as my husband and I often joke, we're not as young as we used to be! Life is short, and the days in front of me are less now than the days behind me. I want to live them well. I want to make every day count.
That's my prayer today.
I'm also praying for the Wilson family. Praying that God will comfort them as only He can.
It would be a privlege to pray for you as well. You can leave your requests in the comments section.
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