Thursday, February 17, 2011

Anxious Thoughts

Kay Arthur posted this on Facebook yesterday:  "The moment anxious thoughts invade you mind, go to the Lord in prayer. Look first to God. Rehearse His character, His promises, His works. Remember His names, His attributes, and how they apply to your situation. You’ll see the cause of your anxiety in a whole new light. Check out Philippians 4:6."

I think that post may have been just for me.  I have been dealing with some anxious thoughts lately.  Some hurtful things.  Some burdens too great for me to bear.  And so I needed this word of encouragement and comfort.
The words of a great old hymn came to mind as I read Kay's post......"oh, what peace we often forfeit; oh, what needless pain we bear; all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer."  So that's what I'm doing today.....carrying everything to Him in prayer.  All the burdens that are too great for me to bear.  All the hurt of difficult relationships.  All the grief of loss. 
I'm praying especially today for grieving friends.  And for a friend dealing with cancer.  For a friend who fell and broke his hip. For the dreams and aspirations of those dear to me.  For broken relationships.  For those who need to know God's grace.  Who need the joy of His salvation.  For whoever might read this and whatever their needs might be. 
And I'm taking my anxious thoughts to God today as well, knowing that I can cast all my anxiety on Him, because He cares for me.

"Trust in Him at all times; pour out your heart before Him."  (Psalm 62:8)

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