Monday, August 17, 2020

The Blessing of My Morning Walk

It might seem something of an oxymoron to think of my morning walk as a blessing. But I do. First, the fact that I am able to do this at all is a blessing. Just a few short years ago, prior to knee replacement surgery, even the thought of going out for a walk made me laugh. Or cry. Depending on how much my knee was hurting on that particular day. And that doesn't even take into account the after effects of my stroke. So being able to walk, up and down hills, for a mile and sometimes more, is a blessing indeed. While I'm walking I'm able to notice the beauty around me. Lush lawns. Crape myrtles still boasting their summer blossoms. Green leaves on the trees. The morning sun. The neighborhood bunny. So much beauty in the world God has given us. What a blessing! Occasionally I see one of my neighbors, coming out for the morning paper, or out for their own walk. It's a blessing to have neighbors, after our years of living on the side of a mountain, a long way from anywhere. Sometimes on my walks I enjoy putting my ear buds in and listening to music or to audio books. After my stroke, when reading was such a challenge, audio books were suggested to me as an alternative. Initially I resisted them. Maybe because if I gave in to the audio books, I was admitting that I would never be able to read again. I'm not sure. In any event, in the last several months, I have come to enjoy "reading" while I walk. One of the greatest blessings of my morning walks is the opportunity to pray. Some people like to walk with friends or with a group. I prefer to walk alone. So I can "read". Or listen to my music. And think. And pray. I pray for friends and neighbors as I pass their homes. I pray for my family. I pray for our nation. I pray for whomever God brings to mind as I'm walking. Today I prayed especially for students and teachers beginning a new school year. This school year is like no other we have known. Certainly a far cry from my first day of school all those years ago, as I put on my new dress and picked up my new book satchel (that's what we called a book bag back then), and headed off to school. Some days it's hard to get these old bones moving. Some mornings I just don't want to. Some mornings it's so hot and humid that I think I cant' bear it for another minute. Even on those days, my walk is a blessing. Because I am so blessed to be able to walk. And to "read". And to pray. So blessed. And so very thankful. "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits. (Psalm 103:1-2)

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