Five weeks ago, life was normal. And then it wasn't.
Five weeks ago I had a stroke, and "normal" changed.
I don't remember very much about the first week after the stroke. Things became a little clearer once I got to Rehab. I remember that once I got to Rehab, I dreaded mealtimes because I would be asked to give my room number. I knew I would have to tell them what I wanted to eat, and I wouldn't know what to say. Sometimes I ended up with things on my plate that I didn't remember asking for, because what I thought I asked for was not what I actually said. That still happens sometimes, but not nearly as often.
I still have a lot of therapy ahead of me, particularly in reading and writing. I have come a long way in my recovery, but there is still a long way to go. Every day as I think of what I am able to do, I am so very grateful. God has blessed me beyond anything I could have imagined, and every day gets better and better!
Tuesday was a particularly bright. I played the piano for the first time since my stroke. I had to play from memory, since reading is not something I can do very well yet. And I could only remember one song, that's what I played. I played "I Will Sing of My Redeemer" and I thought how appropriate it was to be singing that song. I WILL sing of my Redeemer for as long as He gives me breath!
Writing this post has been quite an effort. Lots of stops and starts. Lots of struggles over spelling. I'm still not certain everything is spelled correctly. But I wanted to send this note written in my own hand, even with whatever flaws there may be. I wanted to say to you personally how much I appreciate each one of you. I am overwhelmed by all your cards and letters and gifts. Even more, your prayers blessed me more than I can ever express. I can never begin to express how much all this means to me, but from the bottom of my very grateful heart I thank you.
I never expected to have a stroke. And after I did, I certainly never expected to recover so quickly. This is a gift of God and I will forever be grateful.
This is a very special Christmas for me and my family. I pray it will be a blessed Christmas season for you and your family as well.
Merry Christmas!