Monday, July 11, 2022

10 Seconds

When returned home from our beach vacation two weeks ago, I had a long list of plans for the weeks ahead. Reading. Studying. Organizing. Cleaning. 

But my best laid plans were put on hold by Covid. Again. It wasn’t enough to have Covid once. No, being the overachiever that I am, I went for round 2! Thankfully, this second experience was not nearly as bad as the first. Even so, it definitely interfered with my plans.

So, today is the day to try again. To start fresh. To get back on track. At least, that was the plan.

Yet again, my best laid plans went awry.

Those of you who know me well know that my day does not begin without coffee. When I approached the Keurig this morning, I was notified that I needed to add water. So I did. Then I put the pod in and proceeded to start the machine. But it still said I needed to add water. And it wouldn’t work until it believed it was full of water. It was, but apparently the machine didn’t get the message.

Oh, the frustration! I turned the machine off and back on again. Nothing. I unplugged it and plugged it back in again. Nothing.

What is a person to do in this situation? Refer to the resident engineer, otherwise known as my husband. And of course, as expected, he solved the problem. What did he do differently than I did? When he unplugged the machine, he waited 10 seconds! Apparently 10 seconds is the solution to electronic problems. And I, being the impatient sort - particularly when coffee is involved - did not wait long enough.

It occurs to me that the 10 Second rule may have more applications than for electronics. For example, it might be well if we practiced the 10 Second rule when we respond to conversations or social media posts or things in life that just frustrate us. And we all have those to deal with, don’t we.

I’m challenging myself, and I challenge you as well, to begin this week following the 10 Second rule. Think before you speak. Take a pause. Don’t be so impatient.

10 Seconds is not very long. Unless you are just itching to say something. Unless you really want to tell somebody off. Unless it’s something that shouldn’t be said at all.

Wait 10 Seconds. And see what a difference it makes.

“But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.” (James 1:19-20 NASB)

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