I love the calendar in my kitchen window. (I think I may have mentioned this before.) It's one of those perpetual ones that has a page for every day of the year. There are all sorts of those calendars available on the market. Calendars with sports trivia or a "word of the day". With inspirational sayings or historical facts. My calendar has scripture verses.
Part of my routine every morning is to flip the page on that calendar and see what the verse of the day is. I pour my first cup of coffee and then flip the page on the calendar.
This is what I read today:
"The steps of a man are established by the LORD, and He delights in his way. When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong, because the LORD holds his hand. I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging bread." (Psalm 37:23-25 NASB)
"The LORD holds his hand." That's the phrase that really grabbed my attention.
What do you think about when you think about holding hands? Children holding hands as they walk across the playground. Grandchildren holding hands as they walk through the mall. Holding your child's hand as you cross the busy street. Holding your sweetheart's hand while you watch a movie. Holding the hand of a loved one who just got some devastating health news or who is grieving a significant loss.
There are all sorts of reasons for hand-holding. And we all have situations and circumstances where we want someone to hold our hand. To tell us everything will be OK. To make us feel safe. To make us feel loved.
The good news is, we have such a One. That's what this verse tells us. The Lord holds our hand.
What a great truth to hold on to. No matter what happens. Let that thought encourage you today.
"The LORD is the One who holds his [your, my] hand." (Psalm 37:24b NASB)
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