Despite what you may have thought when you read the title, this is not a post about makeup. Even so, thinking about makeup helps to illustrate the point.
Makeup is a fact of life for many women. Truth be told, most women past 25 or 30 just look better with judicious use of some cosmetics. In the words of a pastor friend of ours from years gone by, a little paint never hurt an old barn!
In spite of that, the older I get, the less I want to be bothered with all that. I need it more, but I want to deal with it less. As a result, on most days, if I'm not planning to go out of the house, I don't go through the whole makeup routine. Those are pretty much tinted moisturizer and mascara days. Maybe a little lip gloss. But not much more. Just enough to get by. Just enough not to scare anybody!
Just enough to get by. There's a lot of that going around. Most days, I have just enough cosmetic products on my face to get by. I hear teachers complaining about students who are capable of so much, but do just enough to get by. In the workplace, many are doing just enough to get by without losing their jobs.
And, sadly, many who call themselves Christian are doing just enough to get by. Certainly becoming a Christian is not about what we do. The Scripture tells us that we must "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ." (Acts 16:31). That's it. It's not about what we do, but about what Jesus has done that is the issue in salvation.
But what about living out our salvation? What about living the Christ-life?
Spend some time in the New Testament book of Acts. That book has a lot to say about that can help us understand how we are to live the Christ-life as we draw nearer and nearer to the return of Christ to this earth. How do we live the Christ-life in a culture that rejects Him? How do we live the Christ-life in this 11th hour?
The early church, as described in Acts 2:42-47, has much to teach us about how we should be living in these days. This group of believers was not satisfied to just get by, and that makes them very different from many believers today, certainly here in the United States.
If you think about it, we here in the United States have much in common with the early church. We are in the minority in our culture, as were they. The early church faced persecution because of their faith, and more and more we are seeing that in our culture as well, as the Christian faith is ever more marginalized in our society. The early church believed that Jesus would return to earth very soon, within their lifetime. While many years have passed since Jesus left this earth and we don't know exactly when He will return, we do know with certainty that He will return because that is what He said He would do. And we also know with certainty that we are closer now than we have ever been to that time. In the words of the Apostle Paul, "salvation is nearer to us than when we first believed." Romans 13:11b NASB).
That's what we have in common with the early church. Sadly, for many modern-day Christians, that's where the similarities end and the tinted moisturizer and mascara comparisons begin. The early Christians were much more than just enough to get by church members.
Here's what we know about them: "They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." (Acts 2:42 NASB)
Continually. Devoting. Those are very descriptive words. They describe a lifestyle, not an every now and then, just enough to get by, attitude. These early believers were devoted to the apostles' teaching. They listened. They learned. They applied. And what were the apostles teaching? They were teaching what Jesus had taught them! So to bring this into the 21st century, what should we who call ourselves Christian be doing? We should be, as they were, devoted to, as a habit of life, the study of the Scriptures! Not just to occasionally reading some Scripture. Not to occasionally, when it's convenient and it's not raining and there's no ball game that has our attention, showing up for Bible study and worship on Sunday morning. But as a habit of life, if we are following their example, we should be devoted to the study of the Scripture.
They were continually devoting themselves to fellowship and the breaking of bread and to prayer. In other words, they were doing life together. As a habit of life, they were spending time together. Eating meals together. Celebrating what we now refer to as the Lord's Supper. Together. Praying. Together. They routinely spent time together doing these things. As a habit of life. Not just enough to get by. Not just enough that their name wasn't removed from the class roll. Not just occasionally. Not just when it was convenient and they didn't have anything better to do. This was the better!
That's the model we have from the early church of how to "do" church. How to live as a believer in the 11th hour. (Remember that they thought they were in the 11th hour, too!) This is the model the Scripture gives us of believers living in community with one another.
The Gaithers wrote a song some years ago titled The Church Triumphant. The song begins with this line: Let the church be the church.
These early believers in Acts 2 show us how the church is to be the church. They show us what it means to be a community of believers. Not just tinted moisturizer and mascara believers, but believers who, as a habit of life, live as a community.
This is not to say that they lived out in some holy huddle, or commune, on the side of a hill somewhere singing Kum Ba Yah all day. Not at all. They still had life to live and families to raise. They had to make a living and go fishing for the day's meal. But through all that, they lived in community with one another. They did life together. They spent time together. They studied together. They fellowshipped together. They prayed together.
Continually devoting themselves to. As a habit of life. As a priority of life.
"They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching, and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." (Acts 2:42 NASB, emphasis mine)
They were not tinted moisturizer and mascara believers. Neither should we be!
What was the result of that kind devotion?
"Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe, and many wonders and signs were taking place." (Acts 2:43 NASB)
"And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved."
(Acts 2:47b NASB)
If we're missing the sense of awe, perhaps it's because we're also missing that kind of devotion.
That's really the question for us as believers here in 21st century America, isn't it? What are we devoted to?
How would you describe yourself? What would those who know you best say about you? What about those who just see you occasionally? Are you known more as a continually devoted kind of believer? Or are you better described as tinted moisturizer and mascara?
Something to think about.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
A Reunion. A Thankful Tuesday Post.
As so often happens, yesterday when I was looking for something, I came across something completely unrelated, but which captured my attention in a way that made me completely forget what I was looking for in the first place.
Yesterday, in what seemed at first to be a completely random Facebook ramble, I came across a couple of posts from family and friends originally posted during my days in the hospital last November.
There was this post from November 30, a few days after I had moved to Spartanburg Rehabilitation Institute:
Afternoon update...Susan has had a full day and is resting before dinner. 4 sessions - PT, OT, and SLP today, and had her hair done. At the last session of PT she did 10 minutes on the exercise machine then walked 65 feet with the walker and 65 feet with no walker. I am so proud of her efforts so she can go home soon. I believe that God is going to COMPLETELY restore Susan for what ever He has in His plan for her. It is so great to see her improving each day.
Last Tuesday, I was back at Spartanburg Rehabilitation Institute for a reunion. Last week was National Rehabilitation Awareness week (who knew there was such a thing!!), and former patients were invited back for a reunion dinner. It was a good dinner, and we met some new friends. But the best thing was seeing some of my former therapists, and having them see me.
The reunion gave me another chance to thank my therapists again for all they did in helping me through those really challenging days. And it was a chance to encourage the staff, as they could see me, and others like me, doing so much better. The therapists at Spartanburg Rehabilitation Institute, and other facilities like it, see us at our worst, but very rarely get to see us once we have "rehabilitated". I'm thankful for last week's reunion so that all those who were so helpful to me and others like me could be encouraged to see how their work paid off.
Beyond that, it was another reminder just how blessed I am. What happened to me could have had a very different outcome. As I sat there last Thursday afternoon, and reflected on what happened to me and to so many others like me, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. There were people there whose condition was not as bad as mine, and people whose condition was far worse. How thankful I am to be one of many who can say, they wheeled me in, but I walked out on my own two feet!
I had amazing doctors and nurses. Amazing therapists. I received excellent care in the hospital and at rehab. My family and friends took wonderful care of me, and continue to do that to this day. I am so grateful for each one.
While I acknowledge and am grateful for all these people, the reason I did so well, the reason I am able to read and write this today is because of the amazing grace of God! So, To God be the glory. Great things He has done!
"This is the LORD's doing; It is marvelous in our eyes." (Psalm 118:23 NASB)
Yesterday, in what seemed at first to be a completely random Facebook ramble, I came across a couple of posts from family and friends originally posted during my days in the hospital last November.
There was this post from November 30, a few days after I had moved to Spartanburg Rehabilitation Institute:
Afternoon update...Susan has had a full day and is resting before dinner. 4 sessions - PT, OT, and SLP today, and had her hair done. At the last session of PT she did 10 minutes on the exercise machine then walked 65 feet with the walker and 65 feet with no walker. I am so proud of her efforts so she can go home soon. I believe that God is going to COMPLETELY restore Susan for what ever He has in His plan for her. It is so great to see her improving each day.
Last Tuesday, I was back at Spartanburg Rehabilitation Institute for a reunion. Last week was National Rehabilitation Awareness week (who knew there was such a thing!!), and former patients were invited back for a reunion dinner. It was a good dinner, and we met some new friends. But the best thing was seeing some of my former therapists, and having them see me.
The reunion gave me another chance to thank my therapists again for all they did in helping me through those really challenging days. And it was a chance to encourage the staff, as they could see me, and others like me, doing so much better. The therapists at Spartanburg Rehabilitation Institute, and other facilities like it, see us at our worst, but very rarely get to see us once we have "rehabilitated". I'm thankful for last week's reunion so that all those who were so helpful to me and others like me could be encouraged to see how their work paid off.
Beyond that, it was another reminder just how blessed I am. What happened to me could have had a very different outcome. As I sat there last Thursday afternoon, and reflected on what happened to me and to so many others like me, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. There were people there whose condition was not as bad as mine, and people whose condition was far worse. How thankful I am to be one of many who can say, they wheeled me in, but I walked out on my own two feet!
I had amazing doctors and nurses. Amazing therapists. I received excellent care in the hospital and at rehab. My family and friends took wonderful care of me, and continue to do that to this day. I am so grateful for each one.
While I acknowledge and am grateful for all these people, the reason I did so well, the reason I am able to read and write this today is because of the amazing grace of God! So, To God be the glory. Great things He has done!
"This is the LORD's doing; It is marvelous in our eyes." (Psalm 118:23 NASB)
Monday, September 25, 2017
What's Your Password?
We live in a world that requires a password for everything. Access to your smartphone. Or to Facebook. Or to Twitter. Or to online banking. Or online shopping. Or to retrieve your voice mail. There's a password for everything.
Have you ever forgotten a password? Oh, the frustration! And if you forgot the password and you also forgot the answers to the security questions that would help you retrieve and reset the password........
It's a nightmare.
We experienced that several times over the summer as we were making the switch from one computer to another. As Al has been helping his dad deal with the aftermath of his mom's passing, there is a whole new set of passwords to remember. When I had my stroke last fall, Al was confronted with trying to figure out my passwords. At one point, he was locked out of my phone for several weeks because he didn't have the right password, and following the instructions to get past that was more confusing than trying to figure out the passwords!
All that frustration reminded me once again how thankful I am that, when it comes time for me to enter Heaven, I won't need some combination of letters and numbers and special characters.
Because Jesus paid it all, and because I am in a personal relationship with Him, there is no other password needed. I will enter Heaven, as the old gospel hymn said, in the merits of Jesus who for sinners bled and died.
No other password needed. Thank You, Lord!
"Christ died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit."
(1 Peter 3:18 NASB)
Have you ever forgotten a password? Oh, the frustration! And if you forgot the password and you also forgot the answers to the security questions that would help you retrieve and reset the password........
It's a nightmare.
We experienced that several times over the summer as we were making the switch from one computer to another. As Al has been helping his dad deal with the aftermath of his mom's passing, there is a whole new set of passwords to remember. When I had my stroke last fall, Al was confronted with trying to figure out my passwords. At one point, he was locked out of my phone for several weeks because he didn't have the right password, and following the instructions to get past that was more confusing than trying to figure out the passwords!
All that frustration reminded me once again how thankful I am that, when it comes time for me to enter Heaven, I won't need some combination of letters and numbers and special characters.
Because Jesus paid it all, and because I am in a personal relationship with Him, there is no other password needed. I will enter Heaven, as the old gospel hymn said, in the merits of Jesus who for sinners bled and died.
No other password needed. Thank You, Lord!
"Christ died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit."
(1 Peter 3:18 NASB)
Friday, September 22, 2017
Living Loud
Several months ago I came across an article about the 11 things the parents of boys should know, or some title similar to that. I think the article originally appeared in the Huffington Post, which is not a publication I typically read, and when I tried to find the article again to verify the title, I couldn't find it. No matter. What I particularly remember from that article is the author's point that boys are loud.
The article was written by a woman, and apparently one who had never spent a lot of time around little boys. I, however, as a mother of boys and a grandmother of boys, was not surprised by this point at all! Before we go any further, let me clarify. I hate generalizations. Hate them! To say that all boys are this way and all girls are that way is both unfair and inaccurate, but debating that isn't the point of this post.
What I can tell you, from my own experience as a mother and a grandmother, is that boys can be loud. They may not always be loud, every moment of every day, but they can make a lot of noise. At least it has always seemed so to me. In fairness, even though I grew up as a quiet, shy girl who spent most of her time with her nose in a book, I am sure there were days when my mother, who was herself the quiet type, thought I was very loud!
Children, both boys and girls, can be loud. They play with an enthusiastic abandonment that doesn't really notice, or care, if their enthusiasm is disturbing someone else. Children arrive in the world with loud cries, making their presence known. They cry loudly when they are hungry or sleepy or wet. And that living loud continues until some grownup along the way convinces them that they are making too much noise and need to be quiet.
I think there is a lot we as adults, particularly as Christian adults, can learn from the enthusiasm of children. Children live loud. They are not particularly concerned with what other people think. They radiate joy. They don't hold back.
Think about that, about living loud, as it applies to the Christian life. As Christians, are we living out our faith with enthusiasm and abandonment, or are we holding back because of a concern about what other people will think?
Are we, as Christians, living loud for Jesus? Are we, you and I, living a Biblical Christianity or a cultural Christianity? Are we more interested in what the culture thinks of us, or in what Jesus thinks of us?
In a culture that increasingly tries to marginalize or silence any expression of Christian faith, what does it mean to live loud for Jesus? How can we live loud for Jesus today?
Something to think about.
"Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous works among all the peoples!" (Psalm 96:3 ESV)
The article was written by a woman, and apparently one who had never spent a lot of time around little boys. I, however, as a mother of boys and a grandmother of boys, was not surprised by this point at all! Before we go any further, let me clarify. I hate generalizations. Hate them! To say that all boys are this way and all girls are that way is both unfair and inaccurate, but debating that isn't the point of this post.
What I can tell you, from my own experience as a mother and a grandmother, is that boys can be loud. They may not always be loud, every moment of every day, but they can make a lot of noise. At least it has always seemed so to me. In fairness, even though I grew up as a quiet, shy girl who spent most of her time with her nose in a book, I am sure there were days when my mother, who was herself the quiet type, thought I was very loud!
Children, both boys and girls, can be loud. They play with an enthusiastic abandonment that doesn't really notice, or care, if their enthusiasm is disturbing someone else. Children arrive in the world with loud cries, making their presence known. They cry loudly when they are hungry or sleepy or wet. And that living loud continues until some grownup along the way convinces them that they are making too much noise and need to be quiet.
I think there is a lot we as adults, particularly as Christian adults, can learn from the enthusiasm of children. Children live loud. They are not particularly concerned with what other people think. They radiate joy. They don't hold back.
Think about that, about living loud, as it applies to the Christian life. As Christians, are we living out our faith with enthusiasm and abandonment, or are we holding back because of a concern about what other people will think?
Are we, as Christians, living loud for Jesus? Are we, you and I, living a Biblical Christianity or a cultural Christianity? Are we more interested in what the culture thinks of us, or in what Jesus thinks of us?
In a culture that increasingly tries to marginalize or silence any expression of Christian faith, what does it mean to live loud for Jesus? How can we live loud for Jesus today?
Something to think about.
"Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous works among all the peoples!" (Psalm 96:3 ESV)
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Content. A Thankful Tuesday Post.
I remember when Molly was just a puppy, full of energy and enthusiasm. She is no longer young. In fact, her 14th birthday is just a few weeks away. Molly is an old dog now. She doesn't see very well, and she can't hear. Even so, she's content. In that regard, Molly and I have a lot in common.
Over the last few weeks, I have been asked a number of times if I am back to 100 percent. And the answer is no. I am not exactly like I was before the stroke. I can no longer drive. There are a number of things I can't do any more, or that I can't do as well as I once was able to do them.
As an example, reading was once one of the great joys of my life. It was not uncommon for me to read several books in a week. Currently, I am able to read - something I once never thought I would be able to do again - but it is a very slow process for me. I am currently [still] reading a book I began in July, and am now about one-fourth of the way through. But, even though it is much slower than it used to be, I am enjoying the process and remembering what I have read. So, that's a good thing!
Yes, life is sometimes frustrating. Yes, I wish I didn't get my words mixed up and confuse colors and struggle with numbers. But what I can do is so much more than what I can't do.
For that, I am profoundly grateful.
And even though life isn't exactly what it used to be, in many ways, it's better. I have gained a greater joy in the journey. A greater appreciation for each new day of life. An even greater love for my family and friends.
And I am content.
"I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am." (Philippians 4:11 NASB)
Monday, September 18, 2017
A Favorite Picture. A Favorite Place. A Favorite Memory. And a Lesson Learned.
This is one of my favorite pictures. There we are, Al and I, just walking along with our group, yet completely oblivious to those around us. Strolling along, hand in hand, having a chat. No clue that a friend with a camera was snapping this photo.
It's one of my favorite pictures. And taken in one of my favorite places on earth, Jerusalem. We're just outside the Temple Mount, on the southern side. As we walk through the arches just ahead, and then make a left turn, we arrive at one of my favorite places in that favorite city, the southern steps to the Temple Mount.
This photo below, taken from the Mount of Olives, can put that into context for you. The walled area in the center of the photo is the Temple Mount. The Dome of the Rock is just out of the photo, to the far right just beyond the trees. The Southern Steps are there in the center, just outside the wall of the Temple Mount, just above a small clump of trees.
On each of our trips to Jerusalem, we have had opportunity to sit on those steps and worship. What precious memories I have of those times. Being in that place, very near where Peter preached on Pentecost and 3000 souls were saved (Acts 2:14-41). Hearing the Word proclaimed to us by our pastor in that same place. Praying there on those steps. Worshiping. Those are favorite memories indeed.
There's an important lesson to be learned from those Southern Steps up to the Temple Mount. You see, the interesting thing to me about these steps is that they are uneven. Some are wide, some are narrow, some are in-between. The result is that there would have been no casual skipping up the steps to worship at the Temple. The nature of the steps requires that the approach be slow and deliberate.
And therein lies the lesson. Have we become too casual in our approach to worship?
Consider this quote from Oswald Chambers: "If we have never had the experience of taking our casual, religious shoes off our casual, religious feet - getting rid of the excessive informality with which we approach God - it is questionable whether we have ever stood in His presence."
May we - may I - never be too casual in our approach to a holy God! This is the lesson of the Southern Steps.
"Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood and has not sworn deceitfully. He shall receive a blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation." (Psalm 24:4-5 NASB)
"Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts." (Isaiah 6:3 NASB)
Monday, September 11, 2017
An Unchanging Truth
Where were you on that awful day? Even after all these years, most of us can probably remember where we were on September 11, 2001. Those events are burned into our memories.
Life as we knew it changed forever on that day. I remember well the shock and the grief and the numbness that followed for so many days after that horrible event. For many those feelings are repeated each year as we mark another anniversary and as we see those horrible events replayed over and over and over on television.
Life changed on that day. We've grown accustomed to taking our shoes off at the airport and to having our purses and backpacks inspected. Sadly, we're no longer surprised by acts of violence.
But not everything has changed. It is still true that "my refuge is in God." I still grieve with and for those families who lost so much on that day just because their family member went to work that morning. I still grieve for the families of first responders and military personnel who, on that day and in the years that have followed, paid the ultimate sacrifice. I am still grateful for men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect the freedoms we enjoy as Americans.
Even more, as I reflect on the ways that life has changed, I cling to this unchanging truth:
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. Therefore we will not fear." (Psalm 46:1-2)
Life as we knew it changed forever on that day. I remember well the shock and the grief and the numbness that followed for so many days after that horrible event. For many those feelings are repeated each year as we mark another anniversary and as we see those horrible events replayed over and over and over on television.
Life changed on that day. We've grown accustomed to taking our shoes off at the airport and to having our purses and backpacks inspected. Sadly, we're no longer surprised by acts of violence.
But not everything has changed. It is still true that "my refuge is in God." I still grieve with and for those families who lost so much on that day just because their family member went to work that morning. I still grieve for the families of first responders and military personnel who, on that day and in the years that have followed, paid the ultimate sacrifice. I am still grateful for men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect the freedoms we enjoy as Americans.
Even more, as I reflect on the ways that life has changed, I cling to this unchanging truth:
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. Therefore we will not fear." (Psalm 46:1-2)
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Who Holds Your Hand?

I love the calendar in my kitchen window. (I think I may have mentioned this before.) It's one of those perpetual ones that has a page for every day of the year. There are all sorts of those calendars available on the market. Calendars with sports trivia or a "word of the day". With inspirational sayings or historical facts. My calendar has scripture verses.
Part of my routine every morning is to flip the page on that calendar and see what the verse of the day is. I pour my first cup of coffee and then flip the page on the calendar.
This is what I read today:
"The steps of a man are established by the LORD, and He delights in his way. When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong, because the LORD holds his hand. I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging bread." (Psalm 37:23-25 NASB)
"The LORD holds his hand." That's the phrase that really grabbed my attention.
What do you think about when you think about holding hands? Children holding hands as they walk across the playground. Grandchildren holding hands as they walk through the mall. Holding your child's hand as you cross the busy street. Holding your sweetheart's hand while you watch a movie. Holding the hand of a loved one who just got some devastating health news or who is grieving a significant loss.
There are all sorts of reasons for hand-holding. And we all have situations and circumstances where we want someone to hold our hand. To tell us everything will be OK. To make us feel safe. To make us feel loved.
The good news is, we have such a One. That's what this verse tells us. The Lord holds our hand.
What a great truth to hold on to. No matter what happens. Let that thought encourage you today.
"The LORD is the One who holds his [your, my] hand." (Psalm 37:24b NASB)
Monday, September 4, 2017
Welome to September!
September. Already. It's hard to believe that summer is over and we're moving into the fall season.
I love this season of the year. Even though it isn't officially "fall" yet (at least according to the calendar), it already seems like it. School back in session. Football (Go Gamecocks!). Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Pumpkin Pancakes. Pumpkin everything.
There's a crispness in the air that I miss during the other seasons. Even here in South Carolina, it's already a little less hot and humid. Leaves will soon be turning. It's a beautiful time of year. We got a little hint of fall when we were in Alaska a few weeks ago. Even though we returned home to summertime temperatures, that trip has me in the mood for fall.
We begin September with Labor Day, a holiday where ironically we celebrate work by not working. Whether you're working at your job today, or finding some labor to do around the house, or just taking it easy.......Happy Labor Day! And welcome to September!
"Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father." (Colossians 3:17 NASB)
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