A day like today puts things into perspective. September 11, 2001 will be forever etched in my memory. Like so many Americans, I remember exactly where I was, exactly what I was doing, exactly how I felt on that Tuesday morning. I watched with horror as I saw, live on television, the plane crash into the second tower. I was numb for days. I still have a hard time seeing the images.....even reading a novel set into that time frame is something I can't do.
As I observe the current political climate, I remember back to those days - horrible though they were - when we weren't Republican or Democrat, Liberal or Conservative. We were Americans. And I remember churches being filled with people seeking answers, seeking God. I remember the promises that we would never forget.
But we have forgotten, I'm afraid. On days like today, people pause to remember. But most of the time, people are just going through life......not giving much thought to terrorists, equating patriotism with their particular political position, perhaps giving very little thought to God, thinking of 9/11 as something that happened "back then".
Today I'm grieving.......for families who lost husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, friends. And for my country, which has lost its moral compass, its respect for life, its honor for God. I grieve and I continue to pray that God will heal our land.....that God's people will rise up and be His people....that God will have mercy on us.
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